
Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Bulk add data to an SQL Table in Apps Script

The following code combines Google Apps Script and SQL to bulk insert a Google Sheet of data into an existing SQL Table. This post improves upon this one for adding a single piece of ad-hoc data.
Screenshot of Google Sheet data for SQL Table
Screenshot of Google Sheet data for SQL Table
This time we have a Google Sheet of data with columns matching those in the students Table. We start by collecting this data into an array that we can loop through to push the values into an SQL query. When we create the query we construct it slightly differently however as we need to include variables rather than static text (as their value will change for each row when the script loops through).
var sql = "INSERT INTO students (StudentNo, FirstName, LastName, Shoesize) "
+ "VALUES ('" + studentNo + "','" + firstName + "','" + lastName + "','" + shoesize + "')";

Bulk add data to an SQL Table in Apps Script

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