
Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Archive Sheet data using tickboxes

As of March 2023 'Archive Sheet Data' is now available as a Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on.

The following Google Apps Script is designed to move a row of data from one Google Sheet tab to another when a tickbox has been selected in a given column. The tool was developed to help colleagues with automatically archiving data that had been actioned.

The tool uses an 'onEdit(e) simple trigger' to constantly monitor the Google Sheet for any changes in values. Is it specifically targeted at a tickbox-column only so that it does not archive rows of data on every edit of the Google Sheet.

Archive a row of data by ticking a box
Archive a row of data by ticking a box

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

How to pass Apps Script data directly into a HTML page

The following Google Apps Script code is designed to create a HTML popup in a Google Sheet and pass some data directly into it so that the popup can display the information.

This was part of a larger project I was working on so I have stripped all of that away here and kept the bare minimum for demo purposes. I already knew how to get the HTML page to run a Function once it had loaded to then access static data from within the Google Sheet, but what was tripping me up here was if that data was coming directly from Apps Script itself - such as an error message from a try/catch.

Display Apps Script code directly in a HTML popup
Display Apps Script code directly in a HTML popup