
Tuesday 24 May 2022

Get all selected Ranges in a Google Sheet

The following Google Apps Script was from some learning around multiple ranges being selected/highlighted by a user in a Google Sheet. I have always worked with individual cells or continuous ranges within Sheets, but during the development of my Archive Sheet data Add-on I wanted to enhance it by allowing more rows to be acted upon in one go.

I practiced getting a few values after looping through each selected range:

  • A1 Notation (e.g. A2:C5),
  • Cell values,
  • Starting row,
  • End row,
  • Number of rows (calculated from the above),
  • Starting column,
  • End column,
  • Number of columns (calculated from the above).
Selected ranges in a Google Sheet
Selected ranges in a Google Sheet

The Code

Here are some highlights of the Apps Script code:

When getting all selected/highlighted ranges we are returned an array:

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var ranges = ss.getActiveRangeList().getRanges();

Which means we need to loop through each item so that we can get some of the specific details listed above:

for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {

  // get first range of cells as a variable so easier to use
  var individualRange = ranges[i];

  // get A1 Notation for range of cells
  var rangeNotation = individualRange.getA1Notation();

  // get values of cells in range
  var rangeCellValues = individualRange.getValues();

  // get starting Row of range
  var rangeStartRow = individualRange.getRow();

  // get last Row of range
  var rangeLastRow = individualRange.getLastRow();

  // calculate the number of Rows in the range
  var noOfRows = (rangeLastRow - rangeStartRow) + 1;

  // get starting Column of range
  var rangeStartCol = individualRange.getColumn();

  // get last Column of range
  var rangeLastCol = individualRange.getLastColumn();

  // calculate the number of Columns in the range
  var noOfCols = (rangeLastCol - rangeStartCol) + 1;





Get all selected Ranges in a Google Sheet download (please use 'File' > 'Make a copy' for your own version).

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