
Tuesday 7 June 2022

Bulk convert Excel files to Google Sheet files - version 1.1

As of February 2023 'Convert Drive Files' is now available as a Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on.

The following Google Apps Script is designed to iterate through a Google Drive folder of files and convert only the Microsoft Excel ones into individual Google Sheet files. The code is an upgrade of this original blog post to bulk convert Excel files to Google Sheet files.

The Code

We use the method 'getMimeType()' in order to be able to iterate through all of the files and distinguish between them, so we do not try to convert anything other than Microsoft Excel, which would likely result in an error.


Bulk convert Excel files to Google Sheet files - version 1.1 download (please use 'Overview' > 'Make a copy' for your own version).

As of February 2023 'Convert Drive Files' is now available as a Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on.

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