
Tuesday 13 September 2022

Search Google Drive for Shared with me

The following Google Apps Script is designed to search Google Drive for all of the files found in the 'Shared with me' space. It will collate this information into a Google Sheet, including:

  • The file name as a direct clickable link,
  • The file ID,
  • The type of file eg PDF, Google Sheet/Doc,
  • The file creation date,
  • The file last updated date,
  • The folder path,
  • The file owner.
Search Google Drive 'Shared with me' and collate the results
Search Google Drive 'Shared with me' and collate the results


Please follow the guidance on the 'Welcome' sheet. Use the 'Start' button to run the tool. The 'Files' tab in the Google Sheet is where the information will be collated.

There is a 'Reset sheet' option in the 'Admin' menu to clear the Google Sheet if you wish to re-run it.

The 'Log' sheet is to help debug any problems and you will receive a popup message to also inform you of any problems the tool encounters.


Search Google Drive for Shared with me download (please use 'File' > 'Make a copy' for your own version).

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