Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Delete Google Calendar Events by keyword and date range

The following Google Apps Script is designed to search a date range for Google Calendar events containing a given string (something to help target those events) and then delete them.

Search for and delete Google Calendar events


There are 4 items at the beginning of the script to complete for your requirements:

  1. Start date - format mm/dd/yyyy - forms the date range to look for events within.
  2. End date - format mm/dd/yyyy - forms the date range to look for events within.
  3. Search string - bit of text that is unique to the events you wish to delete to differentiate them from other Calendar events you may not wish to remove. Note: is not case-sensitive and will not pick-up search string inside of another word eg 'the' in 'there'.
  4. Calendar ID - typically your email address for your personal Google Calendar to search for events in.

The Code

There are a few bits of the code I want to draw attention to. We use the 'CalendarApp' to get the Google Calendar that is to be scanned for events:

var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarID);

In order to get all of the events we feed in the start/end date along with some additional 'options' - specifically search to filter the results:

var options = { search: searchstring };
var existingEvents = calendar.getEvents(startDate, endDate, options);

For the rest of the code we can loop through the array of results and eventually 'deleteEvent'.


Delete Google Calendar Events by keyword and date range download (please use 'Overview' > 'Make a copy' for your own version).

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