Bulk Rename Files Add-on

Last updated 10 March 2025


What it does

Bulk rename Google Drive™ files/folders quickly and easily with this Add-on. You define exactly what you want to search for in the file/folder name and the text to replace it with. Along with options for handling special characters, regular expressions and append/prepend to the existing file/folder name. Works across My/Shared drives.


  1. Install the Add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace™.
  2. You must ensure you are not logged into multiple Google™ Accounts at the same time when accessing this tool. If in doubt try an incognito window.
  3. You can access the tool from anywhere in Google Drive™ by clicking the 'Show side panel' button at the far bottom right of the screen. Then select the 'Bulk Rename Files' icon to open the Add-on (if you already had your Google Drive™ open when you installed the Add-on then you may need to refresh the page first for the new icon to appear).
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to click once on the Google Drive™ folder that contains the files/folders you wish to rename (do not double-click to go into the folder).
  5. See Search Options below for more information on the renaming options available to you.
  6. Click the 'START' button when you are ready and an animated icon will appear. Note: due to Google™ limitations it can only run for up to 24 seconds at a time. After which you will receive a prompt to 'RESUME' in order to continue your progress, if there are still files/folders to rename. Alternatively you can click 'CANCEL' at this point if you do not wish to continue.
  7. Once complete you will see a success message with the total number of items worked through and how many of those were renamed.
  8. It is recommended you test this on some example items first to ensure you are happy with the results.


Search Options

To help you fully use all features of the tool here are some of the things you can do along with YouTube demos, note do not include the quote marks in these examples:

  1. Remove text
    • You can remove characters in the existing item name by replacing them with nothing. If you want to avoid a space at the beginning of the new item name then simply use the '<<SPACE>>' tag.
    • In the search text enter what you want to remove e.g. 'Copy of<<SPACE>>' and leave the replacement text empty.
    • Original item name example: 'Copy of Agenda notes'.
    • New item name example: 'Agenda notes'.
    • Remove text YouTube demo video.

  2. Change text
    • You can adjust characters in the existing item name by changing their value.
    • In the search text enter the original value e.g. '2022' and in the replacement text enter the new value e.g. '2023'.
    • Original item name example: 'Agenda notes 2022'.
    • New item name example: 'Agenda notes 2023'.
    • Change text YouTube demo video.

  3. Special characters
    • The tool can handle: - [ ] / \ { } ( ) * + ? . ^ $ | #
    • You could remove individual characters:
      • Original item name example: 'First_Last Name'.
      • New item name example: 'First Last Name'.
      • So search text would be '_' and replacement text '<<SPACE>>'.
      • Remove character YouTube demo video.
    • You could replace these characters with others:
    • You could both remove and replace them at the same time:
      • Original item name example: 'This experiment belongs to _[Sample]'.
      • New item name example: 'This experiment belongs to Phil'.
      • So search text would be '_[Sample]' and replacement text 'Phil'.
      • Remove/replace character YouTube demo video.

  4. Replace / remove all character instances
    • Instead of just replacing/removing the first character in the item name you can adjust every time it appears:
      • Original item name example: '.backup.zip'.
      • New item name example: '_backup_zip'.
      • So search text would be '.' and replacement text '_' and tick the option to replace every instance.
      • Replace all instances YouTube demo video.

  5. Uppercase
    • Change all characters in the item name to uppercase. In the search text enter '<<UPPERCASE>>' and leave the replacement text empty.
      • Original item name example: 'File version 3'.
      • New item name example: 'FILE VERSION 3'.
      • So search text would be '<<UPPERCASE>>'.
      • Uppercase YouTube demo video.

  6. Lowercase
    • Change all characters in the item name to lowercase. In the search text enter '<<LOWERCASE>>' and leave the replacement text empty.
      • Original item name example: 'FILE Version 3'.
      • New item name example: 'file version 3'.
      • So search text would be '<<LOWERCASE>>'.
      • Lowercase YouTube demo video.
  7. Regular expressions
    • Create your own powerful search queries to target exactly what you want. Remember to tick the box before clicking 'Start. You will need to escape characters such as backslashes by adding another backslash before them. '/gi' has been included by default so you do not need to add this yourself.
    • Below are some examples of regular expressions you could use.
      • Wildcard search to replace the whole item name if match found:
      • Wildcard search to append/prepend to the existing item name if match found:
      • Replace any HTML tags in an item name:
        • Original item name example: '<br>My first webpage<br />'.
        • New item name example: 'My first webpage'. So search text would be '<[^>]+>' and replacement text left blank if you just want the tags deleting. Alternatively you could enter the text you want to replace them with.
        • Regex replace HTML tags YouTube demo video.

      • Remove all numbers in an item name:
        • Original item name example: '3 My first website 12'.
        • New item name example: 'My first website'. So search text would be '[0-9]' and replacement text left blank.
        • Regex remove numbers YouTube demo video.

      • Remove all text after a hyphen and space in an item name:
        • Original item name example: 'Recording 1 - Jane Doe'.
        • New item name example: 'Recording 1 - '. So search text would be '\w[^-]+$' and replacement text left blank if you just want the unwanted text deleting. Alternatively you could enter the text you want to replace with.
        • Regex remove after hyphen and space YouTube demo video.

      • Check for prefix string and add if not exist:
        • Original item name example: '2023 Report on Attendance'.
        • New item name example: 'ARCHIVE 2023 Report on Attendance'. So search text would be '^(?!ARCHIVE).*$' and replacement text would be 'ARCHIVE <<KEEPNAME>>'.
        • Regex to check for prefix string YouTube demo video.

  8. Sequential numbering
    • Append/prepend a sequential number to the existing item name that will automatically increment as it loops through the items. This can start at whatever number you choose.
    • In the search text enter '<<SEQUENCEXX>>' where 'XX' is the number sequence you wish to use (it can be more/less that 2 digits long). In the replacement text enter a combination of '<<SEQUENCE>>' and '<<KEEPNAME>>' (see below) depending on if you want to append/prepend.
      • Original item name example 1: 'My sample file'.
      • New item name example 1: 'My sample file 01'. So search text would be '<<SEQUENCE01>>' and replacement text '<<KEEPNAME>> <<SEQUENCE>>'.
      • Original item name example 2: 'Building code'.
      • New item name example 2: '005 Building code BC'. So search text would be '<<SEQUENCE005>>' and replacement text '<<SEQUENCE> <<KEEPNAME>> BC' .
      • Sequential numbering YouTube demo video.

  9. Append / Prepend
    • You can add characters to the beginning and/or end of the existing item name.
    • In the search text enter '<<KEEPNAME>>' and in the replacement text enter 'Something before <<KEEPNAME>> something after'.
Append / Prepend to the existing file name

Append / Prepend to the existing file name


Demo Video


  1. This Add-on has a 14 day free trial period then requests a monthly subscription of £5 (British Pounds) to continue using it and all features. No adverts, no in-app purchases, no price increases.
  2. PayPal™ handles all of the payment process - I do not see or store any credit card information. You do not require a PayPal™ account - there is a 'guest' checkout option.
  3. Enter your Google™ account email address in the box below before clicking the button so that your licence can be correctly assigned.
  4. Payments should be processed within 2 hours. Please close down and re-launch the Add-on after this time.
  5. Licences are for named users rather than seats. For bulk adding users please use the Google Form™ at the bottom of this page to provide further details and I will get you set up (e.g. users on your domain).
  6. Refunds will not be given. If you wish to cancel your subscription you can either do so through your PayPal account (which will be immediate) or use the support Form (you must give at least 5 working days notice). Once cancelled your licence will be revoked.
  7. Use the button below to subscribe ...
Email address for licence:

Privacy Policy

Who is requesting Google user data? I am an individual developer making my tools available to all that want to use them. All of the data is stored within the Google™ environment, I am the only one with access to it and it is not shared with any third parties. There are no ads and no emails generated from any of the data. No other personal/sensitive data is collected and processed by me.

What data are you requesting? This Add-on accesses your own Google Drive™ in order to be able to view and edit your folders/files (specifically the file names). It only accesses this information when you are directly using the Add-on and does not transfer/store it anywhere else outside of Google™. Data it specifically handles includes:

  • The Google Drive™ folder ID, Name.
  • The Google Drive™ file Name.
  • Your Google™ email address so that your licence can be assigned and account validated when you run the Add-on.

Why are you requesting Google user data? The Add-on needs access to your Google Drive™ in order to be able to read your folders/files and then make the necessary edits to the file names.

Data protection mechanisms for sensitive data? Beyond collecting your email address for licence purposes the Add-on does not collect or store sensitive data. There is only one Google™ account with access to your email address and any logs that are stored entirely within Google™ itself (for troubleshooting purposes) and this has 2-Step Verification enabled in addition to Google™'s own built-in security designed to detect and block threats like spam, phishing and malware. Google™ themselves encrypt data in-transit and at-rest using strong industry standards and practices.

The 'Bulk Rename Files' app's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Terms of Service

You accept all conditions on this webpage when installing the tool and will not attempt to interfere with its functionality. As an individual developer I take no responsibility for any adverse effects when using this Add-on, but I intend to make every effort to maintain it going forwards and ensure its functionality. It is your responsibility to use the tool correctly and securely.

You will not attempt to copy the Add-on.

Feedback & Support

Please complete the below form.